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Kevin Federline comes clean with interview

Sep 06
Kevin Federline comes clean with interview
Brianna Walmark

Kevin Federline comes clean with interview

  • Kevin Federline is coming forward explaining why he and his sons spoke up against Britney Spears 
  • Sons Jayden and Sean did an interview explaining the reasonings of not attending their mom’s wedding 
  • And this all came out after a public feud between Britney and Kevin


Ex of pop star Britney Spears, Kevin Federline is finally coming out. He explains why the feud between Britney and him even started. The feud originally started as he was criticizing her parenting techniques. He was talking about how the boys haven’t seen their mother in months. In an interview with 60 Minutes Australia Kevin wanted to set the record straight about what happened. When asked about his children and how he wants to raise them normally Kevin said, “I spent the better part of my adult life turning the other cheek in response to attacks on me. When our children are attacked, I found the need to set the record straight to be overwhelming. I want my sons to have the closest to a normal life that they can possibly have. It will make them better people.”

He also went on to share that even though the kids might not think they can obtain normal lives, he hopes they will look at him and know if he got out of it so can they 

Not only did Kevin speak in the interview but Britney’s son Jayden did as well. He explained how he supported the conservatorship by saying, “I think at first he was trying to be like any father, like pursue her daughter’s dream of being a superstar, but I think so people are seizing to believe he cares about her”. He also went on to share that he looks up to his mom as an example because, “I want to figure out something that I can do with my future so that I can do something as she did. She was super inspirational for me as when I was younger” 


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