Celebrity News

Al Pacino May Be Losing Another Girlfriend

Sep 09
Al Pacino May Be Losing Another Girlfriend

Al Pacino May Be Losing Another Girlfriend

Al Pacino’s girlfriend has filed for custody of their shared child, but their relationship status is unclear.

Yet another Hollywood heart break. Though oh so many of us were certain old Al had finally found “the one” with his latest boo thang, Noor Alfallah, it seems now the two were not to be. Though he is 83, and her 29, and though she was born 22 full years after the release of The Godfather, we trusted that someone with the wisdom of Pacino would not be in this situation. Especially considering the two had just welcomed a newborn son three months ago.


Then this week Alfallah filed for full custody of the child. Why she wouldn’t want her son to have the pleasure of being taught life lessons by Al isn’t clear, but she did at least suggest that Pacino get “reasonable” visitation rights. But then today the whole situation became even less clear, as a rep for Pacino claims the couple are still together after all. Surely it’s possible at his age that Pacino simply forgot they had broken up, but maybe there’s more to the story here.


According to legal documents, Alfallah is requesting Pacino pay for legal fees and confirm their parenting situation in a formal document. It doesn’t exactly give the vibe of a thriving relationship, but also doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve split. Though admittedly the child support ask is a bit fishy. Perhaps it seems Alfallah is simply preparing for an inevitable split that she hasn’t quite gotten the courage to muster up yet. Much like Diane Keaton’s character in The Godfather 2, it will take a lot for this bonded couple to finally end.


If that is the case, Alfallah is showing us her priorities: ensuring control of her child’s life, and also getting money from Pacino. Considering she is the actor’s third baby mama over the years, it’s likely he is prepared and ready to take it in stride. We can’t expect him to want to face his waning years in a custody battle for a baby.



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