Celebrity Scandals

Big Brother Guest Crosses a Major Line

Aug 11
Big Brother Guest Crosses a Major Line

Big Brother Guest Crosses a Major Line

The hit ongoing CBS reality series Big Brother has seen its fair share of controversial guests over the years — but this latest scandal might take the cake. In one of the strangest events fans of the show have witnessed in recent memory, guest Luke Valentine has been ousted from the show after casually dropping a racial slur in the middle of a conversation.


That’s right, Luke Valentine, a name you probably won’t ever hear from again after this, casually dropped the N-word on national television. He is, of course, white. In a clip from the show we can hear Valentine say, “We were in the f*cking (inaudible) room, n****,” only to quickly catch himself and say “I’m sorry.” Unfortunately that “I’m sorry” doesn’t cut it with such a serious offense.


One of the guests in the room at the time with Valentine was Jared Fields, who is black. Fields decided not to call Valentine out on it right away, though later regretted it. But viewers of the show were not quite as forgiving as Fields, and masses of fans immediately called for Valentine’s removal from the series. Many demanded the network act, even threatening to stop watching CBS altogether if they failed to act.


Well, Wednesday those fans got what they wanted. “Luke violated the Big Brother code of conduct and there is zero tolerance in the house for using a racial slur,” CBS said in a statement. “He has been removed from the house. His departure will be addressed in Thursday night’s show.” Thursday’s ratings will tell if fans are quite satisfied with the action from the network.


In a time where people are more conscious of racial tensions than in recent decades, it should come as no surprise that such a thoughtless comment should outrage millions. The mere mention of the world by a white person has, justly, massive repercussions. Because of that one moment, Luke Valentine’s few moments of fame have come crashing down and he will live on in infamy. Ultimately he has no one to blame but himself.

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