Celebrity News

EXCLUSIVE! Interview With Up-And-Coming Japanese Girl Group XG

Sep 02
EXCLUSIVE! Interview With Up-And-Coming Japanese Girl Group XG

EXCLUSIVE!  Interview With Up-And-Coming Japanese Girl Group XG

Check out the exclusive video interview with XG here!

Hollywire was ecstatic to welcome XG, the extraordinary up-and-coming Japanese girl group to the studio this week. Right on the heels of their excellent new single “NEW DANCE,” the group sat down for an exclusive interview that gave us a glimpse into their rapidly changing world. The interview also gave us a chance to learn about all the unique elements each member of the group brings to the table, and why they work so well together. What became instantly clear to us is that the girls share a real bond, with their electric group chemistry visible to everyone they meet. The joy they carry translates directly into their music, which we haven’t been able to stop listening to.


Check out the interview above for our exclusive sit down with the band.

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