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Howard Stern warns Pete Davidson amid new relationship 

Nov 17
Howard Stern warns Pete Davidson amid new relationship 
Brianna Walmark

Howard Stern warns Pete Davidson amid new relationship 


  • Pete Davidson is known to have dated many of Hollywood’s A-list women 
  • With his new romance coming public with Emily Ratajkowski 
  • Howard Stern is coming forward and giving some insight 

News has recently broken that Pete Davidson and Kim Kardashian are no longer on talking terms. With this new news, it has been announced that Pete has moved on to a different woman than being model Emily Ratajkowski. With this breaking news of their so-called romance, Howard Stern came forward to also voice his thoughts. He thinks Pete is “on a terrific roll. I think it’s f–king great … I called it,”. Howard did call this duo back in September of this year following Kim Kardashian and Pete’s breakup. On the Howard Stern show, he played matchmaker as he says “I was thinking, Pete Davidson could go out with Emily Ratajkowski … That would be a good matchup”.


Howard Stern continues to share his thoughts about Emily and them as a pair. Howard says [Emily] is a great beauty, but at some point, if he f–ks so many women, he’s going to start to get the reputation that he’s like a bee — he pollinates and then goes.” He then warns Pete saying “You don’t want to become the guy who just f–ks celebrity girls, so he’s got to be careful.”

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