Celebrity News

If Ken divorced Barbie would he ask for spousal support? We think not.

Aug 18
If Ken divorced Barbie would he ask for spousal support?  We think not.

If Ken divorced Barbie would he ask for spousal support? We think not.

While the world has turned its eyes to the blockbuster hit that is Barbie, Britney Spears may be a real-life tragic-Barbie.

The man she thought would be her Ken, Sam Asghari, has now filed for divorce and according to his legal filing it appears that Sam is looking for Brittney to pay him spousal support, share “community property” AND pay his legal fees.  How emasculating!  Turns out the man we all thought was her Knight in Shining Armor may be little more than yet another grifter keen to take advantage of Brit.

It’s difficult to believe that Britney’s post-conservatorship life has been anything besides sunshine and rainbows, but sometimes impossible things happen. After the years long “Free-Britney” movement finally got its wish in November 2021, the expectation was that Spears would be rejuvenated and adapt toward living a more normal life for the first time in years. While her frequent elaborate semi-nude dance videos showed us that Britney was still full of life and had joy in her heart, some wondered if there was a hidden dark-side motivating her Instagram posts. But, reportedly happy with her then new-husband Sam Asghari, most were content to sit back and enjoy Britney’s favorite new performance-style.

Unfortunately it seems now that those beautiful days are behind her, as she and Asghari have officially filed for divorce after only a little over one year of marriage. In doing so, the couple broke the hearts of millions who believed Britney had finally found ‘the one.’ Instead Asghari, who is 12 years younger than Spears, will join the list of ex-husbands that includes such legends as Kevin Federline. Admittedly it is very hard to believe this beautiful couple didn’t last. We ourselves are still struggling with the news, as it always seemed Asghari truly loved Spears with his entire heart and soul. But when cheating rumors broke a few months back, we all began to question it. “No, it can’t be true,” we thought, but alas.

Sadly now it looks like things could get a little nasty, the last thing Britney needs. As one would have hoped, the couple signed a pre-nup before their marriage, but just ask Kevin Costner how helpful those prenups can be when faced with someone who feels they deserve to live the life they were pretending to live and lawyer up.  In this case, though, there are no kids and the marriage lasted only 13 months.  Did Sam Asghari forget how to drive Uber in just 13 months?

No, a real Ken would pay spousal support to his Barbie, not the other way around.

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