Celebrity News

Kylie Jenner’s New Clothing Line Stolen?

Oct 27
Kylie Jenner’s New Clothing Line Stolen?

Kylie Jenner’s New Clothing Line Stolen?

A famous designer is accusing Kylie of ripping off her style.

Well the excitement for Kylie Jenner’s new clothing line Khy, billed as a more affordable line than her other products, couldn’t have been higher. But, like anything Kylie does, there inevitably has to be a bit of controversy tied to the release.


This time it comes in the form of a designer claiming Kylie Jenner stole her design without crediting her for this new drop. Designer Betsy Johnson posted a series of Instagram stories accusing Kylie of stealing, and we’re here to break it down.


Betsy Johnson is a big deal.

She isn’t a small designer by any means, having worked with many major brands including Balenciaga, who the Kar-Jenners are famously big fans of. In fact Johnson even worked with Kanye multiple times, including on the Yeezy Gap line.


So this isn’t some no name coming out of the woodwork for click bait, this is a well-known designer that Kylie and her team are most certainly aware of. In fact they are more than aware of her based on the next bit of information.


She was invited to submit designs for the Khy line. 

According to Johnson, she was personally invited to submit, and sent in mock ups, concepts, and line sheets from her own brand, Products. According to Johnson, Khy went on to use those designs without permission or credit, something that could be big trouble if Betsy has proof.


Looking at some photos, it seems the use of blocky faux-leather, Matrix-inspired designs does have quite a lot of overlap between Khy and Products.


Kylie instead credited a different brand.

The main “partner” on the new brand, at least initially, is a company called Namilia. Kylie and her team have made a big deal about partnering with smaller independent labels for Khy, and it seems Namilia is the chosen one to start. It’s just a question of if it was earned.


Why Betsy Johnson was overlooked, and perhaps even slighted isn’t clear, but one thing is:


Betsy is NOT happy.

The stories she’s been posting haven’t been shy about their anger. They are filled with “F-U” and middle finger emojis. She has been posting calling out Kylie over and over, and seemingly couldn’t be angrier about all of this.


It ultimately begs the question of if this will lead to legal action. We will have to stay tuned for an answer on that front.

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