Celebrity News

Bill Murray and Kellis Have Broken Up

Aug 28
Bill Murray and Kellis Have Broken Up

Bill Murray and Kellis Have Broken Up

Bill Murray and girlfriend Kellis have officially split.

One of the strangest, and yet perhaps also most interesting of modern romances was the surprise pairing of legendary actor Bill Murray and “milkshake brings all the boys to the yard” singer Kellis. It seems that Murray, at age 72, was among those enticed by her famous milkshake, and the two were reported to be official earlier in the Summer.


We are finding out now that, despite our greatest hopes Murray had found the one in Kellis, they have decided to call off their relationship. Still, our understanding is that it was a torrid and passionate Summer, that unfortunately couldn’t last. The relationship started back in June when Murray attended one of Kellis’s shows in London, and it seemed the chemistry was instant. Reports were that they’d hit it off and were spending a lot of time getting to know each other. They both apparently have both been through recent separations, and were bonded by that similarity.


Despite how it may look on the surface, perhaps the relationship was not all that much of a surprise. Murray is a charming whimsical creature loved by most, and Kellis is an audacious self-made woman who knows what type of man respects her for who she is. Murray surely fit the bill. Over the last few months the pair have kept quiet about the relationship, but a recent comment from the singer confirms the relationship has ended. This leaves many Murris-shippers heartbroken.


The reports are that the couple are “still very fond of one another,” but with busy schedules they simply couldn’t make it work. Murray, known for popping up at the pop culture events you least expect him, likely was too unpredictable for Kellis. Still, we can be glad they’ll remain friends, and with the torrential passion that overtook them in the Summer of 23, perhaps there will always be hope for a reunion. Even if not, we hope they’ll find the partner they need in the near future.



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