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Britney Spears is telling her dad to kiss her butt

Sep 12
Britney Spears is telling her dad to kiss her butt
Brianna Walmark

Britney Spears is telling her dad to kiss her butt

  • Britney spears is really showing her true side as she takes in Instagram once again 
  • Britney Spears is telling her dad to kiss her butt
  • This time she is throwing her dad and her team under the bus 
  • And she explains what she was put through while being under her conservatorship 


Britney Spears really threw her team and father under the bus in a new Instagram post. In the post, she posted a new picture with a heart covering her behind and telling her father to kiss it. All of this comes after the dismissal of her conservatorship and is now speaking her truth. In the past she goes on to say, “I’d rather quit sh*t in my pool and shoot photos of myself in studios over working with the most offensive people in my life … I’m an extremely short lady but of course, my team always hired the tiniest girls to be on stage with me… Like 8 girls talk about humiliation good god… And tours WITHOUT conservatorship I only had 4 girls or 2 on stage with me !!! JUST SAYING … you think I’m being silly you try being up there and feeling like that … anyways … anyways”.

Britney goes on in the post where she explains she might never perform again and the hatred she has for her father as she says. “I’m pretty traumatized for life and yes I’m pissed as f**k and no I won’t probably perform again. Just because I’m stubborn and I will make my point … so as we listen and hear????… “MY MIND AND ME… Let’s stay positive and focus on my awesome fans for their awesome pictures ????. They made themselves for making me feel pretty ????… Anyways all good though … in the meantime I will be SITTING on my HORSES ????!!! Psss … and father the beautiful picture you guys put up of me in New York City for Pepsi making me cry looking 80 years old … see this picture right here … kiss my God d**m  mother fu**ing a– you fuc**ing bastard ????.”

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