Celebrity News

Bryce Hall Preps for Bare Knuckle Fight

Aug 13
Bryce Hall Preps for Bare Knuckle Fight

Bryce Hall Preps for Bare Knuckle Fight

We all remember when America’s most charming influencer Bryce Hall got his butt beat in a celebrity boxing match a few years ago. In fact here at Hollywire, we watch it over and over, always hoping that maybe, just maybe, this time Bryce will figure it out and win. But alas, he always gets whooped, shattering our hearts.


But now, finally, there is an opportunity for Hall to redeem himself. Prudently realizing that he was held back by the regulations and gloves of boxing last time, Hall this time has decided to participate in a bare knuckle fight. We are certain that works to his advantage, as he is known for having rock hard knuckles, especially compared to his friend Josh Richards. (Richards famously has baby knuckles.)


Hall certainly has a knack for proving his bravery to the public. While less informed fans may call him “dumb,” many see that Hall is quite intelligent in how he leverages his lack of fear to his brand’s advantage. In this case he isn’t bothering fighting a Youtuber, instead fighting a seasone bare-knuckle fighter. In Albuquerque this weekend he will have his long awaited take at redemption saying, “I’m going in there to win,” Hall tells us. “I don’t wanna lose again.” Those are, of course, the words of a champion.


Many of his lady-fans are concerned that Hall will end up getting his face damaged. This of course would be a shame for them, because they think Bryce is really handsome. While that remains a point of contention, in all likelihood Hall will end up winning the fight. After all, the stakes are too high for him to lose, and as the quote demonstrated, he doesn’t want to lose. If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the years, it’s never doubt Bryce Hall — he always delivers for his fans. God bless Bryce.

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