Celebrity News

Meghan Markle Reveals Archie’s Nursery Caught On Fire

Aug 23
Meghan Markle Reveals Archie’s Nursery Caught On Fire
Brianna Walmark

Meghan Markle Reveals Archie’s Nursery Caught On Fire

  • Meghan Markle just launched her new “Archetypes” podcast 
  • In the premiere episode Meghan Markle Reveals Archie’s Nursery caught on fire during their 2019 South African tour 
  • She shared that it was their nanny’s split second decision to grab a snack before putting Archie down for his nap. That saved his life 


Meghan revealed that immediately after learning this terrifying news she and Harry had to make the difficult decision. To continue on with their MANY pre scheduled engagements. She noted that the incident serves as one just example of why she wants to share more “human” moments behind public figures, especially women, in her podcast series. Saying: “So much, I think, optically—the focus ends up being on how it looks instead of how it feels”. Adding “part of the humanizing and the breaking through of these labels. These archetypes and these boxes that we’re put into is having some understanding on the human moments behind the scenes that people might not have any awareness of and to give each other a break.” 

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