Celebrity News

Former Drew Barrymore Stalker Arrested for Stalking Emma Watson

Sep 15
Former Drew Barrymore Stalker Arrested for Stalking Emma Watson

Former Drew Barrymore Stalker Arrested for Stalking Emma Watson

A man previously arrested for stalking Drew Barrymore has been again arrested for pursuing Emma Watson at New York Fashion Week.

The clearly deranged man, whose name we will not include, has seemingly moved on from his previous infatuation. He had been previously arrested for stalking of Barrymore (who has become controversial in her own right recently), but apparently not arrested enough. The man continues to crash celebrity appearances, and not just for the attention, he seems to be seriously mentally ill.


For a flashback on the Barrymore situation, the man first stormed the stage during Barrymore’s interview of rapper Renee Rap. The man was apparently yelling “You know who I am. I need to see you at some point,” while being dragged off in videos that were later shared of the event online. But he didn’t stop there, a few days later he turned up at Drew’s home where he was arrested for stalking. The situation was deemed a “Class B misdemeanor,” which apparently didn’t result in the man behind bars.


Police became concerned after he failed to turn up to the required court appointment to receive his ankle monitor GPS tracker. Well, they were right to be, because the man had already decided to pursue his newest target, Emma Watson. He managed to infiltrate New York Fashion Week, storming the dressing rooms where he “screamed at models and makeup artists inside the Brooklyn Navy Yard dressing room, repeatedly telling them, ‘I want to marry Emma Watson. Let me speak to Emma Watson. Let me take a photo with Emma Watson,'” He did not get to take a photo with Emma Watson, but he was arrested.


Ultimately the case is another example of two compounding issues: easy celeb accessibility and rampant mental illness. While celebrities typically invest big money into personal security for this very reason, it seems that lately a lot of security has been slightly off the ball. Just last week a fan stormed the stage during a Drake concert before being shoved off by security. Notably, the security allowed the man on stage for nearly a minute before he was apprehended. Had he been more dangerous, there could’ve been a far worse outcome. Ultimately the laws may have to get a little more strict on these people to prevent this in the future. A man getting arrested for stalking twice for two separate celebrities is no minor situation. Our hope is that he isn’t given the freedom to pursue a third.

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