Celebrity News

Harry and Meghan are Making a Movie

Aug 12
Harry and Meghan are Making a Movie

Harry and Meghan are Making a Movie

Rejoice! America’s favorite Ex-Royal Prince and his renowned Suits-star wife are back again to do exactly what they do best: adapt best-selling novels into hit films. Yes, they’ve never actually done that, but that’s never stopped them from signing multi-million dollar production deals before, has it? Besides, if people with royal blood can’t do this, who can?


Fans may recall that the controversial duo’s highly lucrative Spotify deal fell through the cracks last year after it was reported Meghan couldn’t be bothered to attend recording sessions for her own show. In fact, numerous guests reported they were interviewed by one of Meghan’s assistants, only to have Meghan’s voice dubbed over the questions before the podcast was released. In all, what was meant to be a once weekly show managed to produce only a few total episodes before Spotify pulled the plug. Hard to believe the music streaming-giant would make such an obvious mistake. As we all know Meghan is exceptionally busy doing a lot of things, and with all the unfair bullying she gets in the media, it is verging on abusive to expect her to fulfill every single obligation in the contracts she signs.


Harry and Meghan seem determined to steer the ship in a more positive direction when it comes to their Netflix deal. Penguin Random House has confirmed to Hollywire that Harry and Meghan’s production company Archewell have attained the exclusive rights to the NYT best-selling novel Meet Me at the Lake and will work exclusively with Netflix to bring the project to life. Understandably, Oscar-expectations are already through the roof. It is almost impossible to imagine the power couple producing a work that isn’t a masterpiece.


The novel is a love story that has some very real resonance for the couple. One of the character’s mothers died in a tragic car accident, and the female character is described as a “30-something gets a second chance at love and career.” Some may not know that Harry is Meghan’s second husband (since we don’t talk about that.) All in all it seems the book couldn’t be any more a perfect pairing for the duo with this much resonance to their personal lives. With Netflix by their side it is almost certain the movie will be excellent.


But it will take a long time to get there. As previously mentioned Harry and Meghan are extremely busy these days, even without having any royal obligations whatsoever. As we all know, you can’t rush mastery, and that’s what Harry and Meghan are known for bringing to the table.

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