Celebrity News

Harry Styles Facing Backlash After Being Named The “New King Of Pop”

Aug 23
Harry Styles Facing Backlash After Being Named The “New King Of Pop”
Brianna Walmark

Harry Styles Facing Backlash After Being Named The “New King Of Pop”

  • Harry Styles Facing Backlash After Being Named The “New King Of Pop”
  • Michael Jackson’s nephew Taj slammed the magazine saying Harry didn’t “earn” the title 
  • And suggested Rolling Stone come up with a NEW title for Harry 


Taj tweeted: “There is no new King of Pop, you don’t own the title @RollingStone, and you didn’t earn it, my uncle did. Decades of dedication and sacrifice.” He also added that he meant no disrespect to Harry and thinks he’s “mega talented.” Other Twitter users also agreed with Taj, with one pointing out that someone “can’t be King of Pop with 2 albums.” Another commenter said, “I like Harry but it’s the finest example of blowing smoke.” Harry hasn’t commented on the title or the backlash and seeing as he just told Rolling Stone he’s rarely on social media. We doubt he’ll be issuing a response…

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