Celebrity News

Inside the Joe Jonas Sophie Turner Divorce

Sep 08
Inside the Joe Jonas Sophie Turner Divorce

Inside the Joe Jonas Sophie Turner Divorce

Inside the Shocking Joe Jonas, Sophie Turner Split

Rumors have been swirling for weeks about the declining relationship status of Joe Jonas (who you may know from the Jonas Brothers) and Sophie Turner (who you may know from a show called Game of Thrones.) Between a rock star and an on-screen princess, many had long considered them the perfect it-couple, even despite their age difference. When it was reported they may be rapidly headed for divorce reactions swept the spectrum from disbelief to total agony. Then only a few days later Sophie was spotted at Joe’s concert wearing her wedding ring, causing many to wonder (nay, hope) the rumor was false after all. But alas, it wasn’t. Joe filed for divorce this week.


Now that many have had time to accept and grieve for the situation, people are beginning to wonder just what could’ve gone wrong. The couple had just had their second child last year, so the decline in their status was sudden to say the least. Well, apparently it was all about lifestyle. Joe like any typical rockstar, likes to stay home and take it easy. Sophie, like any new mother, likes to go out and party. Perhaps we should’ve seen it all coming.


But what was the turning point? According to TMZ, it has something to do with a ring light the couple had installed on their front door. Allegedly, Joe had caught Sophie on the ring light “saying and/or doing” something that made him realize the relationship was over. We can only speculate as to what it was. Perhaps Sophie called the last Jo-Bros Album “trash,” or, maybe, she locked herself out and just looked very silly to Joe making him realize he couldn’t stay married to her. Frankly, the possibilities are endless.


Still, the real story here is that Sophie apparently regretted getting married so young to Joe. Settling in to a married life with two kids already at only 27, it is reported she felt she had abandoned the fun night-life benders so many enjoy in their early 20s. Much like her character, Sansa Stark, Sophie was seemingly always destined to marry, even if she didn’t fully know what she was signing up for. And much like Joffrey, Joe Jonas just wasn’t the right match. Many have always thought that Nick was the more age-appropriate relationship for her, just as Tyrion was for Sansa.


The couple released a statement confirming the decision was mutual and amicable. Though as we have seen all too often recently, it is quite easy to be amicable before the divorce proceedings begin. Stay tuned.



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