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Khloe Kardashian hid secret proposal

Sep 30
Khloe Kardashian hid secret proposal
Brianna Walmark

Khloe Kardashian hid her secret proposal 

  • Khloe Kardashian hid a proposal from Tristan Thompson 
  • In a new episode of Hulu’s The Kardashian Kim and Khloe open up about it 
  • And Khloe shares the reasonings behind her rejection 


Khloe Kardashian rejected a proposal from baby daddy and ex Tristan Thompson. This all unfolded on the newest episode of Hulu’s The Kardashians. Kim was sharing a conversation with Khloe in regards to Tristan’s paternity scandal where Kim said “The fact that he proposed and you never told us, and I asked him months later … the night after I thought it happened and he’s like, ‘Oh, I did it months ago, she didn’t tell you guys?”. 

In her own words, Khloe shared why she felt she didn’t accept the proposal saying, “I said, ‘I need to make sure this is a totally different relationship because I wanna be proud to say I’m engaged to anyone, and that’s why I said, ‘I’m not comfortable accepting this right now because I’m not excited to tell my family,’ and as hurtful as that probably was for him to hear, it was the truth. I’m not ever gonna accept something or give someone false hope, and I said that to him.” Kim replied to Khloe’s statement saying “I get it, that it’s super draining, and I’m sorry. You don’t deserve this and that’s what sucks because you’re the best person. Seriously. You’re the best girlfriend, wife, I tell everyone … you are a better person than anyone that I know.”

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