Celebrity News

Michael Cera Begged to Appear in Barbie Movie

Aug 20
Michael Cera Begged to Appear in Barbie Movie

Michael Cera Begged to Appear in Barbie Movie

Michael Cera personally asked Greta Gerwig to appear in Barbie after his manager mistakenly turned the role down.

By now just about everyone has seen the best movie of all time, Barbie. Having crossed the $1 billion dollar box office threshold, it’s clear the film is a historically awesome piece of cinema. Naturally, just about every bit of even tiny, irrelevant trivia pertaining to the film, has become massive news. That’s what happens when the entire world is obsessed with one thing.


And that news today is about none other than Michael Cera, who famously played the mysterious character Allan in the film. As we all know, Barbie wouldn’t be Barbie without Allan, and though Cera was already extremely famous, many consider him a break-out star for the role. He has broken out from being a star, to being an even bigger star. Combined with his now viral impression of Tony Soprano, Cera is quite simply on a roll right now.


As for the news that just broke — it seems Cera had not originally intended to take the iconic part. When originally offered, his manager had gone ahead and said no on Michael’s behalf, assuming that the actor would not want to do the extended stay in London that the production required. But once Cera heard about the situation, he knew it was a mistake. It seemed the actor had an inkling that he was simply born to play Allan. He personally emailed Greta Gerwig to request the part, and was cast shortly thereafter. The rest is, as they say, history.


It’s a great relief to all of us. While Cera’s manager likely had good intentions, they should’ve consulted their talent beforehand. Whether or not they were reprimanded over the mistake is a personal matter for the duo, but the important thing is that Michael Cera achieved his dream of being in Barbie. We are all better off for it.

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