Celebrity News , Celebrity Scandals

Nick, Kevin Jonas Pushed Joe to End Things with Sophie

Sep 16
Nick, Kevin Jonas Pushed Joe to End Things with Sophie

Nick, Kevin Jonas Pushed Joe to End Things with Sophie

Nick and Kevin Jonas staged an intervention to convince Joe to end things with Sophie Turner.

As with any major Hollywood divorce, the headlines just keep pouring in. And the more the tabloids dig, the juicier the details get. As much as we respect the couple’s privacy, as fans we can’t help but want to know more. Well, now we do, as it’s become clear that Nick and Kevin Jonas, (and perhaps even Frankie too) had a pretty major say in Joe deciding to file for divorce from Sophie Turner a month ago. It’s not altogether surprising given how tight nit the Joe-bros are, but it does paint a picture of the brothers being more anti-Sophie than people may have ever considered.


We’ve chronicled the split here at Hollywire in great detail, which ultimately was a consequence of the two wanting different lifestyles, and not being able to agree on a parenting situation following the birth of their second child. But knowing what we know about Joe, many of us expected the rocker to stick with Sophie as long as he possibly could, and perhaps that is the case — the marital issues had apparently gone on for over a year. Reports that they were going to break up were seemingly rebuffed by Joe when he dedicated a song to Sophie at the start of his tour, but by three weeks later he was filing for divorce. It left a lot of people wondering why he switched up his tone so quickly, especially on such a major decision.


Well, we are now finding out it stemmed from an intervention from his brothers. As the tour kicked off, it became clear to “everyone” that Joe was “unhappy and distracted.” Well, a failing marriage tends to do that. But when there are two children involved it’s a bit of a tougher situation. While there was definitely a lot of deliberation about the decision, it seems this Jonas-vention may have been the turning point.


Of course what’s done is done, and we do have to take the situation at face value. Joe’s brothers love him and were looking out for him. Though, of course, it is possible that they were also at least a bit concerned about the tour. Ultimately the divorce seemed to be in everyone’s best interest. Luckily we have also learned Joe and Sophie did have a clear pre-nup that is expected to be honored, so the divorce may not prove to be too messy.

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