Celebrity News , Tiktok Drama

Olivia Rodrigo’s New Boyfriend Revealed! 

Nov 02
Olivia Rodrigo’s New Boyfriend Revealed! 

Olivia Rodrigo’s New Boyfriend Revealed! 

After a heck of a lot of speculation, fans finally have some clarity on her relationship.


Over the years few stars have commanded as much interest in their dating life as Olivia Rodrigo. While it’s not Taylor Swift level (at least not yet), it’s still up there.

Of course a big reason for that was her break up with Joshua Bassett which fueled endless online conversations and was the main theme driving her debut album Sour. Since then Olivia has tried to avoid such publicly dramatic relationships, mostly laying low and having short flings with various guys. But now it seems she may have something more serious on her hands.


His name is Louis Partridge.

He’s pretty famous in his own right, but if you aren’t familiar, Louis is the star of Netflix’s popular Enola Holmes films. He’s also English, likely contributing to his ability to charm Olivia.

With 9 million Instagram followers and a career that is rapidly taking off, Partridge is in a good spot to support Olivia. Still, if this relationship gets serious and goes fully public he may not be prepared for the level of fame that will rapidly descend upon him. Olivia is that big of a phenomenon.


They are inseparable.

According to sources Olivia and Louis have been messaging nonstop, and Olivia flew out to London to see him last week. She spent the week with a group but apparently it’s Louis who she is really there for.

Fans have noticed that Olivia has been spending a good amount of time on the other side of the pond lately, but now we have some clarity on it. Yes, surely it’s “work related,” but seems like a good chance there is another part to it too.


Photos are Leaking

While the couple haven’t made it “Instagram official” yet, fans have been snapping more and more couples of the duo looking oftly intimate. Apparently they went out clubbing the other night and have been acting “very couply.”


Well, the photos just about prove that, so there’s not a whole lot of ambiguity here. The only question is how serious it gets. Both stars are of course hugely busy, and Olivia has a mega world tour coming soon, so it may not be the best time for her to get serious with someone. Still, the heart wants what the heart wants, and it may want Louis Partridge.

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